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    Taiwan labor policy 結果共15筆

  • Taiwan-India labor MOU: a step forward in collaboration

    Explore the upcoming second consultation meeting for the MOU on labor cooperation between Taiwan and India, as announced by Minister Hsu Ming-chun, focusing on open industries and the introduction of personnel, with input from a diverse group of stakeholders.
    2024/04/30 13:41
  • Cho Jung-tai unveils new faces in Taiwan’s Executive Yuan

    Discover the latest personnel appointments by Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai for the Executive Yuan, including key positions in the Ministry of Labor, Health and Welfare, the Hakka Affairs Council, the Council of Indigenous Peoples, and the Ministry of Environment. This announcement follows President-elect Lai Ching-te’s vision for a "Healthy Taiwan" and showcases a commitment to diversity and expertise in the new cabinet.
    2024/04/19 18:00
  • Investments in SE Asia soar as market potential grows

    Taiwanese companies are increasing their investments in Southeast Asian countries, capitalizing on the region’s rising consumer purchasing power and strategic economic opportunities. Investments under the New Southbound Policy have seen a dramatic increase in 2024, with significant contributions from key players like Foxconn.
    2024/04/19 16:55
  • Taiwan premier ties future cash payments to economic outlook

    Premier Chen Chien-jen addresses potential cash payments to the public in response to economic conditions for 2025 and 2026 during a Legislative Yuan hearing. Discussions highlight the government’s focus on National Health Insurance, labor insurance, and subsidies for Taiwan Power Company, with implications for Taiwan’s social policy and fiscal decisions in the future.
    2024/03/06 15:46
  • Taiwan’s MOL clarifies remarks on Indian workers

    The Ministry of Labor clarifies remarks about Indian migrant workers by Minister Hsu Ming-chun, emphasizing no discrimination. Taiwan and India aim to address labor shortages through a recent MOU. Taiwan’s labor policies uphold human rights and equal treatment, rejecting discrimination. The MOL promotes labor cooperation with India and urges the public to focus on constructive bilateral cooperation.
    2024/03/05 10:53
  • Taiwan considers Indian migrant workers for caregiving roles

    Taiwan is considering allowing migrant workers from India to work as caretakers, pending decisions from the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The recent memorandum of understanding between Taiwan and India outlines cooperation for labor recruitment and training. The current focus is on meeting the demand for caregivers in Taiwan, with considerations for both domestic and residential settings. Taiwan is also exploring strategies to address long-term care workforce needs, including collaboration with the "New Southbound Policy" and encouraging international students to work in the country after graduation. The Ministry of Health and Welfare emphasizes the importance of quality care and language communication skills for foreign workers.
    2024/02/17 15:23
  • Ko criticizes DPP’s bilingual policy lacking concrete plan

    Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je criticized his opponent Lai Ching-te’s "Bilingual 2030" policy, arguing that it lacks a comprehensive plan and causes panic among educators and parents. Ko identified three major issues in Taiwan’s education system: limited social mobility for underprivileged children, a gap between school curriculum and society’s needs, and a lack of alignment with international practices. He also highlighted the disparity in educational opportunities between higher socio-economic families and disadvantaged ones. Ko criticized the existing bilingual education policy for lacking a concrete path to realization.
    2023/12/26 17:02
  • C.C. Wei to maintain course after Liu’s 2024 exit: analyst

    TSMC chairman Mark Liu’s upcoming retirement in 2024 has led investment experts to suggest that the semiconductor giant should slow down the progress of its new manufacturing facility in the United States. Industry analyst Jonah Cheng believes that TSMC’s policy direction will remain unchanged under the leadership of chief executive C.C. Wei, who is expected to succeed Liu as chairman. Cheng also proposes maintaining a dual leadership structure to cultivate successors from various backgrounds. Speculation suggests that Liu’s retirement may be linked to potential investment challenges in the company’s U.S. expansion. In response to these challenges, Cheng recommends a deceleration in the construction of TSMC’s second U.S. plant. He also highlights the need to assess the current downturn in the car market and economic outlook before proceeding with the German plant focused on automotive applications. Cheng suggests that the Japanese facility could be an optimal choice due to labor and power shortages in Taiwan, as well as cultural similarities and strong government support from Japan. TSMC’s primary obstacle, according to Cheng, is maintaining its leadership position in the semiconductor industry, especially after surpassing Intel. Additionally, the cyclical nature of the industry and the potential opportunities presented by the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) applications pose further challenges for the company.
    2023/12/20 18:45
  • Taiwan eyes digital innovation in healthcare assessments

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) in Taiwan is planning to promote digitalization in healthcare, with a focus on incorporating digital development into healthcare quality metrics. This initiative aligns with national policy directives and aims to support the national plan for digital policy. The successful pilot of virtual National Health Insurance (NHI) cards during the COVID-19 pandemic was highlighted as part of the broader commitment to digitalization. The MOHW, with support from the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA), is providing technological budget support for the cloud-based transition of health insurance systems at grassroots clinics. The goals of Taiwan’s digitalization healthcare system include reducing manpower on the medical end, improving healthcare quality, and increasing convenience for patients. The future strategy of the MOHW will combine financial subsidies with policy mandates, starting with medical centers. The plan is to encourage the integration of digital development into healthcare quality assessment, with the aim of fostering innovation, reducing labor costs, and enhancing healthcare quality.
    2023/12/19 15:11
  • New Taiwan policy welcomes more foreign art talent

    The Ministry of Labor in Taiwan has announced significant revisions to the regulations governing work permits for foreign professionals in arts and performing arts. The new regulations, which will take effect on December 20, aim to attract more foreign artistic talent to Taiwan’s cultural scene. One major change is the acceptance of documents from important international organizations, such as the United Nations, for residents of Hong Kong and Macau who are unable to obtain official recommendation or certification documents. The framework for foreign artistic professionals’ work is divided into four main types: performance and visual arts, publishing, film and broadcasting, and popular music and crafts. The qualifications for the publishing industry have been relaxed to recognize individuals with over five years of publishing experience who demonstrate originality and special performance in their field. Similarly, the qualifications for crafts-related work have been broadened to accept assistant professors or individuals with equivalent qualifications. Prior to these revisions, the application process for foreigners undertaking artistic work in Taiwan was stringent, requiring an application through an employer or by the professionals themselves if they met the necessary qualifications. As of October 2023, Taiwan had 245 self-employed foreign artists holding valid working permits, highlighting the country’s growing reputation as a hub for international art professionals.
    2023/12/19 10:02
  • Legislative Yuan passes law linking minimum wage to CPI

    The Legislative Yuan has passed the Minimum Wage Bill in Taiwan, which requires employers to meet minimum wage standards when settling wages with employees. Noncompliance with this law could result in fines of up to NT$1.5 million and public disclosure of the offender’s name. The new legislation mandates the inclusion of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as one of the key references when determining minimum wage, linking wage adjustments more closely with the cost of living. Previously, adjustments to the basic wage were governed by lesser regulations - the Deliberation Regulations for Basic Wage, which are merely administrative orders and do not guarantee annual wage increases. Labor Minister Hsu Ming-chun welcomed the passage of this legislation, expressing gratitude to labor and employer groups, scholar experts, and legislators from all parties for their support. President Tsai Ing-wen had initially proposed the elevation of the Minimum Wage from an administrative order to the force of law in her 2016 policy plan, but it took seven years for the draft to make its way through the legislative process.
    2023/12/12 16:48
  • Hou Yu-ih’s spokesman debunks rumors, touts clear policies

    KMT campaign office spokesman, Chen Po-han, criticizes DPP’s Lai Ching-te for vague and inconsistent responses on key issues including a kindergarten drug administration case, "Trojan Horse" military exercises, and opening Taiwan’s labor market to Indian workers. Chen accuses Lai of spreading false information about Chinese students working in Taiwan and highlights the Ministry of National Defense’s military exercises simulating attacks by Chinese military aircraft hiding among civilian planes. The Taiwan FactCheck Center has debunked the rumor of opening up to 100,000 Indian workers. Chen defends Hou Yu-ih’s opposition to the "one country, two systems" framework and emphasizes his clear plans for various policy areas. This critique occurs in a politically charged atmosphere focused on misinformation and policy debates.
    2023/12/07 11:02
  • DPP questions KMT’s stance on Chinese workers in Taiwan

    The campaign spokesperson for Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, Chen Shih-kai, has called on Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih to clarify his stance on allowing Chinese workers into Taiwan. Chen expressed concerns about the impact on the employment of Taiwan’s youth and requested an outline of supporting measures. This request for clarification follows Hou’s proposal to promote increased cross-strait exchanges, including opening up to Chinese tourists and students. Chen criticized Hou’s policy, suggesting it aimed to help alleviate China’s youth unemployment problems. He highlighted Taiwan’s strong economic abilities, contrasting it with Hong Kong’s declining stock market due to Chinese government control. Chen also criticized China’s lack of transparency regarding its economic downturn and high unemployment rate. He emphasized the importance of Taiwan’s economic development and integration with the global community, stating that the future direction of Taiwan depends on its leadership. These remarks reflect the DPP’s stance on maintaining a strong local economy and labor market while considering broader cross-strait policies and potential socioeconomic impacts.
    2023/11/29 21:06
  • Ministry of Labor to introduce Indian migrant workers

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor (MOL) plans to introduce Indian migrant workers to address labor shortages. The initiative will adhere to domestic regulations and is not an immediate importation of 100,000 workers. The MOL will negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on labor service cooperation with India to ensure quality workers without disrupting social stability. Several countries have had positive experiences importing Indian labor, and currently, around 2,700 Indian laborers work in Taiwan. Taiwan’s economic and trade relationships with India are strong, making labor cooperation a priority. After signing the MOU, discussions on industrial quotas will occur. The MOL will rigorously assess qualification criteria such as language skills, professional abilities, educational background, and good behavior. The aim is for the introduction of migrant workers to contribute positively to Taiwan’s economic and societal development.
    2023/11/19 16:37
  • Experts caution opening migrant workers to hotel sectors

    Taiwan’s tourism industry is facing a significant labor shortage, prompting the government to consider introducing migrant workers into the hospitality sector. However, no specific timeline has been set for this proposal. Scholars and citizens have expressed concerns about potential job displacement and the negative impact on wages for local workers. Calls have been made for more efficient solutions to alleviate employee workload, rather than solely relying on wage increases. Professor Cheng Chih-yu of National Chengchi University (NCCU) emphasized that even with higher wages, the demanding nature and long hours associated with hospitality work may not attract job seekers. Similarly, Associate Professor Hsin Ping-lung of National Taiwan University (NTU) noted that the labor shortage has intensified workload in the hospitality industry, yet it has not attracted more workers. Professor Cheng suggested a cautious approach to the introduction of migrant workers, considering it as a last resort after exhausting all other means to address the problem. He expressed concerns that if the policy is relaxed, companies may opt for cheaper foreign labor, leading to the displacement of local workers and wage suppression. Additionally, the labor market for older workers and women seeking a second career could be affected.
    2023/11/04 14:00
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